What if you were meant for a bigger purpose???
What is your mindset around career and money? Most of these beliefs are steeped in what we experienced as a child.
I am still trying to figure out how I stepped so far away from what I saw, heard and learned as I grew up, yet sometimes stay mired in that state of being.
I was not surrounded by risk takers growing up, both of my parents retired from jobs from which they were employed for 40+ years, still live in a house they built over 50 years ago and still live in the community they were born and raised. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I have always felt a pull to be and do more!
So, the question I ponder often is how did I become who I am? Someone willing to try something new without knowing the outcome. Dipping my toe in to various career opportunities and changing my address regularly! Living very comfortably some years and other times not sure if I am going to have money for food!
As I continue to ponder on that question, one thing I know for sure is that I was put on this earth to make an impact! All the challenges, experiences and detours have brought me here and has given me the vehicle to impact lives!! I am leaning all in - are you leaning in to your bigger purpose?
If you have always had a tug telling you that you were meant for something more, have a passion for helping others, making the world a better place and a willingness to experience personal growth and feel uncomfortable then come with me on this journey. I am adding to my team and would love to chat to see if you might be a good fit!!! Can’t wait to see how you will change the word (for what’s typical visit earnings.arbonne.com)
( credit: The Goss Boss, www.cristingoss.com, Cristin Goss)
