As the mornings become more crisp and the days are shortening, it feels more and more like fall each day.
With the cooler days, I like to think of all the things that keep me warm, like my favorite sweater, my warm blanket for snuggles with the pups in the morning and of course my morning tea!
This tea has become a regular in my morning routine. I find that about 10 am I get a little sluggish and unfocused.
That's when I brew the CleanTox Tea. This tea helps my body function at it's highest level by allowing my kidneys and liver to eliminate the toxins from the environment and food.
Add in the Mind Health, which helps with focus, a must for a woman in her 50's and the Energy Fizz for a natural caffeine derived from green tea, guarana and ginseng, offers a level energy with no jitters or crashes.
So as the weather here in Pennsylvania starts to turn cooler, why not grab your cup of tea and hunker in for a healthy morning of energy and focus!!!
Find the products you need to make this mid morning pick me up here Feel free to message me if you have questions.
(photo credit - Goss Boss LLC
