I was reminded last night, as I spoke to the many people who stopped by my table, the true blessing and gift Arbonne is to me and what an honor it is to share this gift with others.
The person you see in this photo is a product of the Arbonne community!
First it was the products that I fell in love with, because they allowed me to love myself again.
Then it was the business opportunity that gives me the freedom to build my retirement on my own terms. (to see what’s typical visit earnings.arbonne.com)
But I am a lifer because of the community! This community has allowed me to step into the best version of myself and I continue to grow and flourish each and every day because of its energy, love and support.
And I want to pay this blessing forward. If you are looking for something more. Looking to step into the best version of you while helping others do the same, then I want to talk to you because I think you would be an amazing partner to join my team!
(photo credit The Goss Boss; www.cristingoss.com; @glowwithgossboss)
